Hey Y'All
So it's that time of year again! No...not christmas...its time to get my hair did. As I have probably mentionned on here a zillion times getting my hair done is like soooooooooooooooooo stressful for me. Pretty much Hive producing (ok I'm exaggerating a little but it feels like it) I make up my mind and then I get in that chair and its like my mind goes blank and I just let everyone take over. I get so worried about how its going to turn out and what its going to look like. In my perfect world I would go to the hairdresser's and they would dye my hair every option ive been thinking of so I can see and then let choose. (if only) Sunday is D day or shall I saw hair day so I thought I'd bring to you my lovely and wonderful readers the choices that are going through my chaotic head right now and see what you think...part of me wants to go lighter and part wants to go darker. As you'll see my head is all over the place haha
Let me know what you think....or if you have any ideas of your own!!!
7 hours ago