Love What a hat can do on a messy hair day!! Don't you?
Went shopping for an hour today and let me just ask you is 20 the new 80? Cause let me tell you this little is Pooped with a capital P. I think christmas shopping is gonna be done online this year. A click of my heels (ok a mouse) and there is a gift in my mailbox. Hello perfection.
One: Christmas Holiday TraditionsGrowing up an only child christmas totally revolved around me (I know I am lucky) My grandparents (Nana and Poppy & Gege) would come christmas eve and we would play lots of christmas music a la bing crosby and my grandfather who tried and sing like he was Bing himself. I loved it! I would leave out cookies for Santa and we would watch The Santa Clause. I would try and go to bed extra earlier because I thought the sooner I got to bed the faster the big would arrive.
I would wake up between 3 and 5 in the morning (the fam was really happy about this...not) we would all open our gifts and then everyone would go back to bed for a cat nap. Then everyone would wake up and have a nice breakfast and then we would just hang out and check out our gifts while my mom made dinner.
Things have kind of changed in the last few years. My grandparents have all passed away so now we got to me great aunt and uncles for christmas dinner (Uncle A is 94 so this is probably the last xmas with him) and on christmas eve my godmother comes to our house and sleeps over. Last year was strange and fast because I had just gotten out of the hospital the week before and it was the first year with just me and parents. We didn't really have time to go out and get many gifts because I wasn't well. So hopefully this year will be a bit more special!
I kind of can't wait to see what the future and to start even more traditions. I am HUGE on the holidays so who knows what could happen. I can't wait to go crazy decorating my own place, hopefully do some charity work and I can't wait to learn to cook and make a big meal for the ones I love and anyone else who wants to come:)))
Two: Black Friday/ General shopping tricks and tipsWe don't have black friday but my goodness do I wish we did
MY NUMBER 1 TIP IS......BE NICE TO YOUR FELLOW SHOPPERS!!!! I know I know we all want a good deal but that does not mean we need to jeopardize our ability to be kind to one another. I cannot even begin to tell you how many dirty looks I get during this busy season. People DO NOT want a disabled person moving slowly in front of them or blocking up the aisle while picking up something. So show a little love
I've found that alot of stores put there new arrival items on sale after 2 weeks give or take. So if there is something your not quite sure of or think is too expensive keep your eye on it and have a little patience. It will go on sale.
If you find an item in a store that you really like but its a bit too pricey..find out the style name of it and search for it online before you buy. You can usually find a coupon code that you couldn't get in the store.
BE Aware of the return policy! I don't about any of you but I hate trying things on in a store. So I usually like to bring in home to try it on. Some stores don't allow money back they just allow exchanges or store credit. If its not a store you usually shop in and its a one off purchase..you don't wanna get stuck with a store credit for a store you don't like
Befriend the manager. This may sound weird but I befriended the manager in a store I like sheerly by accident and it ended up being a bonus. She knew I didn't like going into changing rooms so she would bend the rules and let me bring it home to try it on and I would be able to get my money back. She'd tell me about the quality of some of the clothes and be like my own little shopper in the store
Eat before going to the mall. It will save you money
Wear an outfit that is easy to get on and off is you plan on trying things on. Wear shoes that you can get off quickly if you see a pair you die for. It just makes sense
Three: Most meaningful/Best gift you've receivedyou know what to tell you the truth I have pretty much loved and felt so grateful for everything I've been given. Ok maybe there was one time I wasn't so happy. When I met this guy who was the son of a coach at my high school and the next day his dad brought me an autographed photo of him snowboarding. I had to be polite and say thanks but when he left I died laughing and tossed it in the trash.
sorry i got a little sidetracked...
The one gift that did mean alot was when my Gege died (he was not my "real" grandfather he was my grandma's boyfriend for 20yrs before she died. didnt know my moms dad til i was older) He died very young and unexpectedly .
brothers and sister told me that he told them he wanted anything he had to go to me. You see he lived in his parents so when he passed his siblings sold the house and split the money between the 5 of them and his share went to me. I couldn't care less about the money its the mere fact that he wanted it to go to me. I loved him more than life and it was just so special. He really didn't have a lot and my mom said that when he found out he could leave something to me he was so happy and proud. he thought his share would just be split umongst his siblings but they said no you can give it to whoever you want.
Runner up; An emerald ring (my birthstone) my nana and poppy gave me when I was eight to signify me becoming a lady.
Four: Tips and Tricks to a budget friendly holiday season1. Stock up on Christmas cards and wrapping paper AFTER christmas. Its the perfect time to get ready for the following year because they go on sale majorly.
2. If there are things that you want or need that you didn't get for xmas go looking a couple days after christmas. Stores need to get rid of there stock for the new season and there is almost always big sales.
3, Hold on to receipts! you never know when you'll need to return something!
4. Set a budget.
5. Bake goods make people just as happy. Ask Martha Stewart.
Five: Favorite Movies and Holiday Specials
I am probably am a big dork but I love watching Eloise at the Plaza Christmas something or other. She is too cute and everything is PINK. Love it

I also really love
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

A christmas Carol

The Santa Clause

Winnie the Pooh and Christmas too

Day 6: WishList
I am so excited for this because I have no idea what I want so to see everyone else's might give me some ideas.
I would mind getting this baby...

Some fashion books and clothes
Side note: I've had my eye on a wii and a kindle but I don't know if I would use it as much as I think